Sunday, December 27, 2009


Yet another “twist” on something we twist everyday. Designer Jess Han has re-imagined the simple door handle with a DaVinci Code style lock that denies entry for all but the chosen few (cue: dramatic music). This intuitive door handle dubbed the “NUMLOCK HANDLE” features a numbered dial-lock that re-shuffles and locks itself after every successful entry. Get the code incorrect and Tom Hanks gets punched in the gut by an albino assassin. The numbers can be replaced or supplemented with braille for that extra level of mystery.

Designer: Jaeseok Han

Friday, December 11, 2009

International Year of Astronomy 2009

The International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009) is a global effort initiated by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and UNESCO to help the citizens of the world rediscover their place in the Universe through the day- and night-time sky, and thereby engage a personal sense of wonder and discovery.

Visit IYA2009 website.
Thanks to abuzeedo for the info.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Rex The Dog 'Bubblicious'

One of the most creative stop-motions on the web.
Copyright and merchandise at

Friday, December 4, 2009


VAL font is applicable for any type of graphic design – web, print, motion graphics, etc. and perfect for t-shirts and other items like logos, pictograms.

VAL is a free font created by fontfabric.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics Official Logo

Olympic games is the most significant event for sports, international relations and PR. Sochi has been chosen as the host city and would be the centre of attraction of the whole world uniting nations and countries with russian warmth. Sochi 2014 is the first winter Olympics in subtropical climate.
The goal was to scatter the myth about the image of Russia as cold and unfriendly country. The symbolics should represent Russia and it’s genuine friendly spirit and hospitality.

People are dancing in a cheerful circle dance, holding hands, laughing and singing. Khorovod is a symbol of unity. The logotype consists of palekh-stylized firebirds’ feathers in a round dance.
Firebird is a slavic fairytale character, symbol of fire, light and sun. Young men had to find firebirds’ feather in order to complete the challenge.
Since the beginning of Olympics champions had been given the highest honour to be awarded by wreath. Five feathers form laureate wreath which symbilises five continents as in the Olympic sign.

Idea, concept: Nikita Melnikov and Ivan Danyshevsky
Design: Nikita Melnikov
Transformer Studio.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Papercraft Self Portrait

Eric Testroete has been working as a 3d artist in the Vancouver game industry for 9 years.
The majority of his career has been as a character artist. For this work, he used 3ds Max 2009, Mudbox 2010, Photoshop CS3 & Pepakura.

"I made this as my costume for Halloween 2009. It was kind of inspired by big-head mode seen in videogames. I really wanted to get the faceted geosphere look with wireframe."

More at Eric Testroete website.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Deibi v1.0

Deibi is a free font created by Wete.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Peter Behrens

Peter Behrens (1868-1940) é considerado por historiadores como o primeiro designer da História. Para além de designer foi também um dos arquitectos mais influentes da Alemanha e um dos fundadores da Deutsher Werkbund.

Depois de frequentar a Escola de Belas Artes de Hamburgo, partiu para Munique, durante o período de renascimento das Arts and Crafts na Alemanha. Em 1899 foi convidado a juntar-se à Colónia de Artistas de Darmstadt onde construiu a sua própia casa e equipamento. A construção desta casa é considerada o ponto de viragem na sua vida, já que deixou o meio artístico de Munique e afastou-se do Jugendstil.

Em 1907 integrou a empresa AEG (Allgemeine Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft) como consultor artístico. Os seus trabalhos contemplam toda a identidade corporativa (logótipo, design de produto, publicidade, etc). Em 1910 projectou a fábrica de turbinas AEG.

Peter Behrens foi dando valor ao processo de fabricação económica, à boa manutenção dos produtos e a produção em massa.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Rubix is a motion video by bon-bon motion.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


ABC3D by Marion Bataille is an three-dimensional, interactive and pop-up paper alphabet book for kids and so on. Marion Bataille was born in 1963 and lives and works in France. She is a widely published graphic artist and illustrator who also works for the Pompidou Centre and Le Monde.

Macworld Magazine cover

Cover creation brought to us by Peter Belanger.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Deutsche Werkbund

O movimento Deutsche Werkbund foi uma associação de artistas, artesãos e publicitários que foi fundada na Alemanha em 1907. O objectivo desta associação era reunir e unir as disciplinas da arte, indústria e artesenato para melhorar a condição de vida e melhor qualidade de produtos industriais.

Este movimento interpretava que "a forma segue a função”, ou seja, a forma vinha do artista, suas referências e inspirações; a função cabia ao operário-artesão, que apenas executava a obra como era estabelecido pelo primeiro. Entre os seus seguidores teve como personalidades mais importantes Hermman Muthesius, Peter Behrens, Theodor Fischer, Joseph Maria Olbrich, Bruno Paul, Walter Gropius e Mies Van der Rohe.

Este movimento manifestou duas correntes dominantes daquela época: A padronização industrial e a tipificação dos produtos e, por outro lado, a busca da individualidade artística.
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